The images are of students who packed a classroom at the Lehman Alternative Community School a year ago to listen to an interactive media literacy presentation about Hip Hop. I worked with Eldred Harris and DJ President Ike (turntabalist from NYC who has worked with Chuck D of Public Enemy fame) to deliver the presentation. We were really impressed by how much the students know about the origins of Hip Hop. They were very interested in talking about non-commercialized Hip Hop (underground artists) and how important political messages are in the music and graffiti.
Recently, Cornell University Library under the leadership of Katherine Reagan and in collaboration with faculty, library and archives staff, and students (in particular, History Department faculty Professor Margaret Washington, grad students Danielle Heard from the English Department and Vernon Mitchell from History, undergraduate Darin Lamar Jones of Black Students United and Ellen Marsh and CUL Department of Communications staff) officially announced the Hip Hop Conference in October! Check, check, check it out right here
Recently, Cornell University Library under the leadership of Katherine Reagan and in collaboration with faculty, library and archives staff, and students (in particular, History Department faculty Professor Margaret Washington, grad students Danielle Heard from the English Department and Vernon Mitchell from History, undergraduate Darin Lamar Jones of Black Students United and Ellen Marsh and CUL Department of Communications staff) officially announced the Hip Hop Conference in October! Check, check, check it out right here
Right now our energy is focused on programming! In the coming weeks we will hold a series of meetings to discuss the topics for the panels and guest lectures. It's so important that anyone who has an idea share it with us! Let your voice be heard on the MIC! And remember, we're talking about the OLD SKOOL BABY! The Conference is an opportunity to explore the origins of Hip Hop and the planners are hoping it will be an event to remember!